Hello Daters and Relationship Seekers,
Would you build your dream house without any architectural plans? Without knowing what design would work best in your kitchen, living room, master bedroom and bathroom. Without a proper foundation? Without a leak-free roof?
Most of us would not do this.
Yet, knowing what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how to do it right, is exactly the state most of us are in when we date and try to build a relationship. We often don’t know what we are doing, why we are doing it, or how to do it. And, if we think we do know—much of our knowledge is either flawed, incomplete, wrong or based on myths and cliché advice that have little reality to them.
Why listen to me? I am a science-grounded psychologist with 30 plus years of experience on dating and relationships. I am in the process of writing a book on dating. I have this and that credential, training, etc., etc. But, the proof of my value is in what I write. What I write will not be the same blah blah you’ve heard or read before by dating coaches and experts.
My writing is meant to be provocative, help you to date differently, and perhaps, most importantly, understand who you are now in the dating/relationship universe, how to become the dating person you want to be, and what works and doesn’t work for you. I admit, there may be some restatement of what you may have heard, because new ideas are always evolved from older ideas. But, at the minimum, I will be entertaining (at least I think so), confessing my own mistakes and revealing some of my own dating/relationship histories, as I provide examples of success and failure from my past clients.
Please, feel free to comment and come back with challenging ideas. Your input can make the book I plan to publish more helpful to others dating or in a relationship. We are all together struggling in this complex world of being with others.
Dr. Steve